Ketamine Assisted Therapy Centers > FL > Palm Beach Gardens
Dr. Daniel Cartledge (He Him)

11000 Prosperity Farms Rd, Suite 101Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, 33410
Daniel Cartledge, M.D., is a doctor who has been practicing pain management for over 11 years. He is a certified doctor in physical medicine and rehabilitation, and is the medical director for a large multidisciplinary practice in Delray Beach Florida. Dr. Cartledge is also the cofounder of a biotechnology company and coinventor for a patented cranial neurostimulation device. Dr. Cartledge has been an educational speaker for various pharmaceutical companies in the pain management space. Dr. Cartledge has pursued a special interest in novel non-invasive and natural treatments for chronic pain and is excited to offer his services at a wellness clinic focused on treating depression, PTSD, and chronic pain with ketamine infusion therapy.
Treatment Types:
Ketamine Assisted Therapy
Conditions Treated:
Chronic Pain | Depressive Disorders | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) | Trauma
Dr. Daniel Cartledge (He Him)
11000 Prosperity Farms Rd, Suite 101Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, 33410,
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