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Ketamine Assisted Therapy Centers > TN > Nashville

Healing Solutions

nashville tn 37201, Nashville, Tennessee, 37201

Jennifer has been practicing medicine as a certified Physician Assistant for approximately 20 years. She studied biology and chemistry at Western Kentucky University and received her graduate degree in medicine at Trevecca University in Nashville Tennessee. Her experience ranges from traditional settings like emergency room, hospital care and primary care to integrative medicine like bio-identical hormone therapy and the gut-brain connection. She has a deep desire to be a resource for finding tools to create healing in the body and allowing the body proper support for healing. She believes in the mind, body, spirit connection and believes that healing is a journey. There can be many roads along this journey that can all compliment each other. After practicing for 20 years, she observed that most chronic conditions were rooted in trauma. This trauma manifested differently for everyone but did not limit itself to mental illness. It took other forms in the body like autoimmune diseases, IBS, fibromyalgia, and certainly had co-existing depression/anxiety. Once the patient was able to process that trauma through therapy, psychedelics and/or medications, then the other chronic manifestations also began to improve. Ketamine is one of many ways to help access trauma that has been stored in the subconscious. This is what led to her adding ketamine therapy to her practice. Jennifer’s search for alternative therapy began approximately 7 years ago when she was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. This is labeled an autoimmune disease and incurable. After years of taking medications that were toxic and providing little relief, she began experimenting with different dietary approaches. She was able to achieve remission through gut sensitivity testing (her diet) and healing from childhood trauma using plant medicine like psilocybin and wachuma, as well as ketamine. She attributes her continued healing through these means as well as ketamine and it’s ability to reconnect you to your psyche. Stan Groff says it best, “psychedelics and non-ordinary states of consciousness connect people back to their inner healer” She is currently living in Nashville TN, married with two grown children and loves spending time in the outdoors. She also loves yoga, reading and connecting with friends over great food.

Treatment Types:

Ketamine Assisted Therapy

Conditions Treated:

Anxiety Disorder | Chronic Pain | Depressive Disorders | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) | Trauma

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    Healing Solutions

    nashville tn 37201, Nashville, Tennessee, 37201,

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