Ketamine Assisted Therapy Centers > CO > Denver
Klarisana: Mental Health Clinic

1240 South Parker Road, Denver, Colorado, 80231
THU-FRI 9:00AM - 8:00PM SAT 9:00AM - 8:00PM SUN (Easter) Closed MON-WED 9:00AM - 8:00PM
Klarisana is a Denver, Colorado ketamine provider that specializes in providing ketamine therapy for individuals with pain issues. They offer a low cost and effective method of providing ketamine therapy, which is different from the typical IV infusion. Klarisana is also a part of a program that is designed to increase access to ketamine therapy. This program uses an IM ketamine protocol, which is a much more affordable and simple method of providing ketamine therapy.
Treatment Types:
Ketamine Assisted Therapy