Neurofeedback Centers > VA > Harrisonburg
Janis L Norton
718 Ott Street Harrisonburg, VA 22801
If you have relationship concerns my practice might suit you. Those who benefit the most from the approach I take are those with an interest in finding ways to think through and do better with the relationships in their lives. Relationship stress is the number one generator of misery for people. It doesn't have to be that way. I have pursued a specialty in family systems coaching for a long time. This coaching invites a sorting out of what is and what isn't working in problem relationships. This sounds simple but as anyone stuck in a difficult relationship knows, it isn't! A family systems approach avoids blame while pursuing clarity about the who, what, when, and where of it all. You are welcome to get in touch and learn more.
Treatment Types:
Conditions Treated:
Stress Management