There are times you may experience life controlled by intense emotions or paralyzing anxiety/fear, detached numbness takes over. Traumatic memories that are overwhelming, causing insomnia or night tears. Facing another day in Alaska with loneliness, regrets and even suicidal ideation is too much! Relationships suffer from conflict and lack of intimacy, distraction is inevitable.Teen conflict, locked in power struggles without solutions that result in endless frustration dominating your time. Emotional control, seems like only a vague dream, that is illusive and beyond you. You are on your way towards healing, We can show you with 25+ years of clinical experience serving adolescents, adults, couples/families finding their way, we are confident that you too can find healing and restoration from pain! State Supervisor, Board Certified, Licensed, EMDR, EAGALA, PREP, Playtherapist, Love&Logic, Christian Clinical, Certified Specialized Therapists for Individuals, Children and Families. The work that we do together is guided by a strong belief in your God given ability to heal. Alaska State Supervisor, Licensed Professional Counselors and Licensed Christian Pastoral Counselors offer you a supportive, accepting and safe environment that integrates emotional, physical and spiritual healing. FREE PHONE CONSULTATION
Treatment Types:
Conditions Treated:
Anxiety Disorder | Insomnia | Suicidal Ideation | Trauma