All Ketamine Assisted Therapy Centers in Mesa, Arizona
PsychFinder found 4 Ketamine Assisted Therapy Clinics in Mesa, Arizona.
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Dr. Mark Murphy
Unnamed RoadMesa, Arizona, 85210
With more than 20 years of experience in private practice, as well as in the clinical applications of Ketamine, Dr. Mark Murphy, MD serves not only as medical director but also as the primary physician responsible for your care at Ketamine Wellness Centers. He earned his medical degree from Tulane U...
Ketamine Wellness Centers
2152 S. Vineyard Plaza, Suite 131, Mesa, Arizona, 85210
Born and raised in Tucson, AZ, Magda Graduated from Grand Canyon University with a Family Nurse Practitioner degree. Working in the healthcare industry since 2002, Magda started out as a Respiratory Therapist and was on the NICU flight team for about 7 years. With more than 10 years of experience in...
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