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    All Neurofeedback Centers in Little Rock, Arizona

    PsychFinder found 3 Neurofeedback Clinics in Little Rock, Arizona.
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    Alyson Rae Pittman

    10020 N Rodney Parham Suite G Little Rock, AR 72227

    Alyson Rae Pittman is a therapist who specializes in helping people overcome life's challenges. She uses neurofeedback to help her clients reach their goals more effectively and efficiently. Alyson Rae Pittman is a therapist who specializes in helping people overcome life's challenges. She uses neur...

    Neurodivergent Therapies

    Little Rock, AR 72227

    Neurodivergent Therapies is a non-profit organization that offers neurofeedback training to help people with common symptoms like ADHD, anxiety, depression, and more. Alyson "Rae" Pittman, owner of Neurodivergent Therapies, began to wonder how the efficacy of therapy could be improved and the needed...

    The Collective

    10201 West Markham Street Ste 203 Little Rock, AR 72205

    Your life feels like an absolute $hit show most days but the show must go on. Your drug use has shattered all of your close relationships. You put on a fake smile, expensive perfume, your best cuff links, and you boss your way through the day. You may do the direct opposite; you get everyone out of ...

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