All Neurofeedback Centers in Greenwood Village, Colorado
PsychFinder found 2 Neurofeedback Clinics in Greenwood Village, Colorado.
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Carron Maclean
5310 DTC Parkway Suite A Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, or PTSD? Do you feel emotionally stuck? Or do you feel like your emotions high-jack you? Have people told you they can't get close to you? Have you tried to live a full and meaningful life but find you need help to overcome something in you...
Mark Cadlaon
8301 E Prentice Ave Suite 300 Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Mark Cadlaon is a professional counselor who specializes in helping adults who are struggling with the anxiety, burnout, and existential questions that arise with life transitions. He is passionate about helping adults who are struggling and has experience helping people navigate major life transiti...
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