All Neurofeedback Centers in Evanston, Illinois
PsychFinder found 2 Neurofeedback Clinics in Evanston, Illinois.
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Dr. Henry James Perkins
Evanston, IL 60201
Dr. Henry James Perkins is a therapist who specializes in helping people make changes in their lives. He believes that the relationship that people establish with him is the vehicle in which the various tools, strategies, and interventions of therapy are delivered and made useful. He also believes t...
Mirel Castle
1818 Dempster Street Evanston, IL 60202
Mirel Castle is a psychotherapist who specializes in working with individuals with various concerns in individual, group, and family settings. They use play-based therapy to help children acquire positive self-esteem, successful social interactions and competent problem-solving skills. They also use...
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