All Neurofeedback Centers in Park Ridge, Illinois
PsychFinder found 2 Neurofeedback Clinics in Park Ridge, Illinois.
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Clark Thompson
1580 North Northwest Highway Suite 311D Park Ridge, IL 60068
Clark Thompson is a professional psychologist and neurofeedback specialist who can help people with brain-related issues. He has experience with assessment services such as neuropsychological assessment and quantitative EEG brain mapping, and he can also provide psychotherapy, neurofeedback, and pho...
Cynthia L Yesko
422 North Northwest Highway Suite 230A Park Ridge, IL 60068
Cynthia L Yesko is a counselor and educator with over 30 years’ experience helping clients rework old stress patterns into more updated patterns that make it easier to navigate ordinary stressors and extraordinary challenges. The institute offers counseling and am education program for professionals...
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