All Neurofeedback Centers in Fort Wayne, Indiana
PsychFinder found 2 Neurofeedback Clinics in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
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Fort Wayne Neurofeedback, LLC
7127 Homestead Rd. Suite F Fort Wayne, IN 46814
Fort Wayne Neurofeedback, LLC is a painless treatment that starts with a brain map to assess the areas of the brain that demonstrate impaired functioning. Clients often experience results where other treatments have failed. Over time, the brain learns to to stay in the healthy ranges of operation. C...
Greg Isch
7230 Engle Rd, Suite 305 Fort Wayne, IN 46804
Greg Isch is a therapist who specializes in helping people bring their unconscious (traumas, memories, trapped emotions, younger selves, stuck energy) safely into conscious awareness so these parts can be unburdened and healed. He is interested in helping people bring their unconscious (traumas, mem...
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