All Neurofeedback Centers in Albany, New York
PsychFinder found 3 Neurofeedback Clinics in Albany, New York.
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Diane DeGiovine
5 Pine West Plaza Suite 508 Albany, NY 12205
My goal is as a therapist is to assist clients in becoming their own best advocate as they negiotiate personal life challenges. I have a special interest in mind body awareness and have incorporated meditative and relaxation strategies and biofeedback in my therapeutic work with clients from childho...
Mark Persaud
255 Lark Street Albany, NY 12210
Mark Persaud is a counselor-in-training who specializes in helping clients become more emotionally regulated and process their trauma. He can help clients become more attune with themselves and their bodies, and help them become emotionally regulated to process their trauma. As a counselor-in-traini...
Mutual Arising Mental Health Counseling, PLLC
255 Lark Street Albany, NY 12210
Welcome to our Neurofeedback (NFB) Trauma Clinic and Trauma Resolution Retreat Center. Our group practice helps address a wide variety of conditions with NFB and then transition to our trauma resolution retreat services. After that, we support your needs with a mindfulness maintenance program. We pr...
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