All Neurofeedback Centers in Cold Spring, New York
PsychFinder found 2 Neurofeedback Clinics in Cold Spring, New York.
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Amy Rubin Morey
22 Butterfield Road A 204 Cold Spring, NY 10516
Life can be very challenging at times and our usual way of managing doesn't work as effectively as it used to. Our coping skills aren't helping us to feel a sense of control and well-being and we end up feeling overwhelmed, stuck, anxious, we can't sleep well, we under eat or overeat, experience moo...
Denise A Angelo
3182 Route 9 Suite 101 Cold Spring, NY 10516
Denise A Angelo is a pediatrician with over thirty years of experience working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, social difficulties and ADHD. Angelo specializes in helping to manage feelings of depression and anxiety and to improve interpersonal relationships.
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