All Neurofeedback Centers in Franklin, Tennessee
PsychFinder found 2 Neurofeedback Clinics in Franklin, Tennessee.
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Mind Body Wellness
1201 Liberty Pike Suite 205 Franklin, TN 37067
Mind Body Wellness is a healthcare provider located in Franklin, TN that offers a variety of mental health and wellness services. They offer a variety of services such as clinical modalities alongside holistic interventions to turn traditional addiction and mental health treatment into a whole-body ...
Sally Marciel
574 Franklin Road Suite 200 Franklin, TN 37069
Sally Marciel is a therapist who specializes in mind-body, mindfulness, and energy work to help people heal from emotional pain. She is reverent, consensual, trauma-informed, and non-pathologizing, which means she does not believe in pathologizing emotional pain. Sally is a therapist who specializes...
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