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    All Neurofeedback Centers in Bountiful, Utah

    PsychFinder found 2 Neurofeedback Clinics in Bountiful, Utah.
    Need help finding the right therapist?
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    Christina Ellwanger

    1325 North Main Street Suite 3 Bountiful, UT 84010

    Christina Ellwanger is a therapist who specializes in working with adult individuals and couples. She is currently available for telehealth sessions, Wednesdays and Fridays, mornings and afternoons. Christina is a trauma-informed therapist who uses principles of mindfulness, personal meaning, self-k...

    Jennifer R Cardinal

    415 Medical Dr Suite 201A Bountiful, UT 84010

    We provide a full range of services including targeted assessments (neuro)psychological/ behavioral/ developmental learning disability/gifted) when a client's current functioning and or clinical presentation (diagnosis) needs to be clarified. Autism Spectrum Disorder Attention Disorder Disruptive Mo...

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